Veterans Benefits Clearinghouse Development Corporation (VBCDC) was formed in 1987 by Veterans Benefits Clearinghouse, Inc. (VBC), a social service agency that provided services to veterans and their family members from 1977 to 2009. The mission was to move veterans from "Homeless to Homeownership". VBCDC developed the housing and VBC provided the supportive services for the veterans. To date VBCDC has developed 575 units of affordable/market housing and over 20,000 square feet of office/community space valued at $90 million. The housing is composed of affordable rental housing for the homeless, families, and the elderly. 70-units have been developed as homeownership housing for affordable market families.
VBCDC is an non-profit corporation. The mission is to develop affordable housing, provide services to veterans and their family members, and to assist low income families. We provide technical/supportive services to low income residents/veterans and to tenant associations in the 455 units of rental housing the organization owns. We coordinate the many veterans who contact us by coordinating veteran services with Veteran Services at Pine Street Inn. We provide foreclosure prevention/homebuyer classes to veterans and their family members who live in Massachusetts. In addition, the housing development we provide for both rental and homeownership housing which would benefit veterans and low/moderate income families.