VBCDC Technical/Supportive Services
Provide services to the over 200 residents/veterans in the exsisting 455 units of rental housing owned by VBCDC. For the past eight years VBCDC has been providing supportive services to the Washington Heights, Grove Hall, and Sonoma, Maple, Schulyer Associations, The organizations operate the Computer Network Center and Community Room at the developments. A Full Time Resident Service Coordinator in partnership with Tenant Associations sponsor afterschool/summer youth programs, Summer Festivals, Thanksgiving, Christmas events, and Elderly Events.. Quarterly, all residents meet to discuss issues. VBCDC also assisted tenant associations with fundraising services and financial assistance,
VBCDC in association with tenant association provide technical services such as asset managment in monitoring the managment companies and $6 million operating budget. In addition, we monitor capital improvements, Section 8 HUD and Mass Housing contracts, security issues, and the developments $5 million in capital reserves.